Your Trusted Home Inspection Services

Wood Destroying Organisms Inspection / Termite inspection:
Buying a house is not as simple as it seems. Homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers, will find their investment requiring many steps. However, to ensure that their property investment is worthwhile, a WDO inspection should be added on top of their residential inspection.
A wood destroying organism’s inspection (WDO) is carried out by an experienced and licensed wood destroying organisms inspector. The primary goal is searching for insects and non-insect organisms that destroy wood. Those insects and organisms work to eliminate or otherwise degrade wooden building components by eating it. Therefore, the inspector will look and search for specific evidence inside and outside of the home and report it’s findings on a standard wood destroying organisms form developed by the Florida Department of Agriculture.
The inspector must report the common name of the wood destroying organism identified and the location of the evidence. If any of these areas are not accessible for inspection, these areas and the reason they are inaccessible must be reported. A professional termite inspection by a certified home inspector will give you a clearer idea of the extent of the problem you are facing (if any).
Wood destroying organisms consume cellulose materials found in wood. Therefore, they damage and deteriorate all wood structural members and components found within a structure. Common signs of WDO and termite infestation include exit holes, fecal pellets, frass, termite wings, mud tubes, wood decay, galleries, blistering, and general wood decay. Wood destroying organisms can seriously damage the structure of your home. Damage repair and treatment can cost thousands of dollars! A WDO inspection is an important part of the home buying process. Don’t wait before it’s too late.
Our WDO inspection includes:
A thorough examination of the accessible areas of the attic space, crawlspace (if the crawlspace inspection is purchased in combination with a residential inspection), all sides of building exterior, perimeter of the structure, windows, door frames, baseboards, trims, wood flooring, cabinets, and interior wall surfaces.
Inspection of visible evidence of previous treatments such as, but not limited to; drill holes, treatment port, treatment notices, bait stations, dye on exposed wood, and/or evidence of trenching.
A visual inspection that may include probing and sounding of structural members as deemed necessary by the inspector, based upon a preliminary finding of visual evidence of infestation or damage.
An examination for visual evidence of wood decaying fungi and damage caused by wood-decaying fungi.
An examination for the presence of termites, carpenter bees, wood-devouring beetles, and carpenter ants.
While a WDO inspection is sometimes called a “termite inspection”, there is a difference between the two. A termite inspection is specific for the search of termite-specific damages caused by both subterranean termite and dry wood termite species. On the other end, a WDO inspection goes above and beyond. WDO inspectors are looking for all signs of any wood-destroying organism such as; termites, carpenter bees, wood boring beetles, anobiid beetles, bostrichid beetles, powderpost beetles, and carpenter ants.
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